Playing the Mind

The most valuable faculty you possess is your mind. Your entire life will be filtered through it. This immensely powerful instrument can be your greatest gift or your worst nightmare; all depending on how you are playing it.

What is the mind?

The most brilliant instrument ever created, the mind perceives, conceives, conceptualizes, and commands . It can remember and it can imagine. It can think.

Although intimately close, it is not you. Rather, it is yours. It is your instrument that should be serving you all day, every day. For most, this is not the case. Tragically, most are walking around with a mind that is causing them anxiety at best, torturing them at worst.

But this is only because the instrument is being played incorrectly.  As with any instrument, you can learn to play it, and play it well. Because your mind is by far the most important instrument you own, it is vital you master it.

What directs our lives is thought. What directs thought is the Mind. What directs the Mind is Attention. What directs Attention is You, the subject of all objective experience.



You are already free.

Except you don't realize it. Why not? Because you have identified so strongly with thought, and thus, handed the throne to your mind. This makes your life heavy, serious, burdensome. As long as this is the case, Mind will keep throwing you around like a rag doll.

To take the throne back, your identification must change from thought to You, the subject of all experience. Awareness itself,the one who perceives thoughts come and go. Then, you can use your power of Attention to direct the Mind to create any life you want. Life becomes light, fun, abundant.

Paradoxes of the Mind

Why are you here?

Because on some level, you realize the biggest problem in your life is not out there, it's not him and it's not her. It's not what happened ten years ago or what could happen tomorrow. It's resting right behind your eyes. Nothing will change until it changes. How do you change it? That is why you're here.